• Expert Advice
  • Experience & Expertise
  • Compliance Regulation
  • Liason & Confirmation
  • Upon Passing Away
  • Repatriation

Expert Advice


Expert Advice

The experience of the funeral Director’s sympathetic ear is all the more valuable because we are dealing with the practicalities of the funeral. Our Funeral Directors will listen to you, the bereaved, as you decide what sort of funeral you want. We will inform you about the types of funeral available, the type of service, the forms to be filled in and the grants available.

Experience & Expertise


Experience & Expertise

Our experience and expertise extends beyond that required on a day to day basis. We are sympathetic towards different ethnic and religious groups. Our Funeral Directors are aware of the special needs involved in supporting those who have suffered a sudden death.

Compliance & Regulation


Compliance with Regulation

On a practical side, we ensure that all necessary liaisons and deadlines are met and all the paperwork is completed and handed in at the right places and at the right time. Much of the work of the Funeral Director does is discreet and is not always readily apparent what duties are carried out. The Funeral Arrangements themselves can be made at anytime just by contacting us. We can call and see you or you may visit our Office. In selecting ourselves as Funeral Director, we will ensure that each and every detail is discussed with you thoroughly to ensure your wishes and those of the deceased are correctly carried out.

Liason & Confirmation


Liason & Confirmation

All communications, regarding the funeral arrangements, with clergy, church cemetery or crematorium and liaison with the police and coroner when necessary, are taken care of.

Upon Passing Away


Upon Passing Away

No one knows when a death will occur, or when you will suffer the loss of a loved one. Death can occur at anytime and anywhere. The Funeral Director will be responsible for the overall supervision of the funeral itself and will always be available from the time of death, to the ceremony and afterwards for help, support, guidance and comfort. Once we have taken your instructions and have arranged a funeral at a given time on a given day, we will carry it out, regardless of circumstances. The arrangement and payment fees, relating to the Funeral, include Cemetery fees, Parochial fees, Press announcement fees and additional transportation fees, if applicable. In the case were the family do not have a Vault a grave side will be provided. The Funeral Director can also provide the family with a vault if they wish to purchase one.

We are here to make that difficult time easier for you

The Funeral Ceremony is the culmination of the work that has taken place since the death occurred. Although only one of the many functions of the Funeral Director, to many people , the sight of a funeral cortege is probably the one most associated with the funeral. It is significant to note that the word funeral is derived form the Latin “funeralis” meaning a torchlight procession.

Funeral Directors will be in attendance through the preceding, to ensure the smooth running of events. They will take on the role of master of ceremonies, carrying out the task of guiding, directing and overseeing the funeral. As well as the Funeral Director, four members of staff will also be present. Theses pallbearers will be attired in smart appropriate dress and will ensure professional dignified attendance and supervision throughout the funeral.

If you or any member of your family is unsure of what to do, tell your Funeral Director. This is what they are there for, to help and guide people through one of the hardest days of your life.

Costs and Other Services

In all aspects of the funeral arrangements our staff will point out the procedures and legal requirements.

Whilst arranging the funeral, we will advise on cost and charges to be incurred.

Our charges include disbursements professional fees and overhead costs. Which include the provision of a 24 hour a day call Rota, our professional services in making the funeral arrangements and arranging documentation and necessary personal attendance’s, and the conveyance of the deceased to the place of rest.




Funeral Services (Gibraltar) Ltd's dedicated team has a very good relationship with local authorities and well known international repatriation companies, ensuring international repatriations are carried out smoothly in the most confidential and professional manner.

We are here to provide sound advice and provide international repatriation services to individual families and corporate organisations. Transportation of the deceased can be carried out to any destination globally.

For further enquiries, please contact us via email or by phone.